Cooking in Julia Child's Kitchen

Two delicious recipes from Julia Child's cookbook,Mastering the Art of French Cooking: Volume II: Strawberry Sherbet and Pommes Anna with a twist! Bon appétit!

Things you'll need

Strawberry Sherbet

  • 4 cups fresh strawberries
  • 2 egg whites
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 1 lemon
  • Food mill
  • Cutting board & knife
  • 2 Mixing bowls
  • Spatula
  • Hand mixer
  • Measuring cup
  • Hand juicer
  • Whisk
  • Plastic food wrap
Pommes Anna
  • 1 ½ pounds of small potatoes
  • 6 tablespoons of butter
  • 4 sprigs of thyme and lemon thyme
  • 2 teaspoons of minced thyme
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • Cutting board &  knife
  • Large mixing bowl
  • Muffin pan
  • 12 small parchment rounds
  • Small sauce pan
  • Wooden spoon
  • Rubber spatula
  • Pastry brush
  • 1/2 teaspoon
  • Aluminum foil
  • Baking sheet lined with parchment

Commençons! (Let's get started!)

Cooking Strawberry Sherbert in Julia Child's Kitchen
Strawberry Sherbet
  1. Cut the hats off of strawberries and use a food mill to puree 2 cups.
  2. Juice 1/4 cup of lemon. Whisk together the puree, juice, and sugar until the sugar has dissolved.
  3. Use a hand mixer to whip egg whites until they form soft peaks.
  4. Pour the juice puree mixture into the egg whites and use a hand mixer to whip together until smooth.
  5. Scoop the sherbet into a container and cover with plastic wrap. Freezer for 3 hours.
  6. Remove the sherbet, whip it again, and then freeze it for another hour.
  7. TaDa! Strawberry sherbet fresh out of Julia Child’s own kitchen! C’est tres delicieux!
Cooking Pommes Anna Potato Cake in Julia Child's Kitchen
Pommes Anna
  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF
  2. Slice potatoes into thin rounds and then toss with lemon juice.
  3. Line a muffin pan with parchment rounds and then place a small sprig of thyme in the bottom of each muffin cup.
  4. Mince garlic cloves (PICTURE at 7:43). Melt butter in a sauce pan and then stir in garlic and thyme. Cook on low heat until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
  5. Brush the muffin pan with the herbed butter and then drizzle 1/2 teaspoon of the mixture into each cup.
  6. Pour remaining butter over the potatoes and then add salt and pepper to taste. Toss well to coat.
  7. Divide potato slices amongst the muffin cups, overlapping and layering slices on top of each other to create a circular pattern (PICTURE at 9:20).
  8. Cover the top of the pan tightly with foil and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until potatoes can easily be pierced with a knife.
  9. Remove foil and place a baking sheet lined with parchment upside down onto the muffin pan. Flip the potatoes out onto the baking sheet.
  10. Remove the small parchment rounds and serve.
  11. TaDa! Mini Garlic Herbed Potato Cakes! Tres Mignon! Bon Appetit!
Pommes Anna Potato Cakes

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