Steven Universe Ice Cream Bonbons

Steven Universe Ice Cream Bon Bons

A strawberry shell filled with vanilla ice cream: These Steven Universe Ice Cream Bonbons bring their own unique personality to the dessert table.

Makes 8 to 12 bon bons

Things you'll need

Ingredients Equipment

Let's get started!

  1. Use a candy melting pot to melt candy melts. Use a spoon to scoop and coat the bottom of the gem mold with the melt. Allow to harden completely.
  2. Fill each mold with ice cream and completely freeze.
  3. Top each gem with more candy melts and freeze to set. Remove from mold when completely hardened.
Rosanna Pansino makes Steven Universe Ice Cream Bon Bons Steven Universe Ice Cream Bon Bons

Steven Universe Ice Cream Bon Bons

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